Thursday, May 26, 2005

Poem--My Piper's Call...

Your Magic has cast its spell—
You are my Piper, and your tunes
Draw me deeper into your enchantment:
Your flute is piping forth my dreams…
The lilting melodies sift through my heart
Reviving forgotten hopes and lost prayers…
Your enigmatic eyes promise me happiness:
Happiness and a world of Love…
My heart has succumbed to your charm, Piper—
Yet why does my mind hold me back?
What confidence have I in you—
A stranger piping haunting melodies?
Which world is this that I will have?
Shall I follow you to my doom?
What shall I find in Love's surrender—
Joy or Pain? What must I believe?
I fear that I may hesitate too long
And lose the magical trail to your heart…
I fear that I may follow too soon
And find that I never knew it at all…
Whichever I do, I dread finding
In my mind or heart, the conviction
That the other path was the true…
Torn between Reason and Sentiment
Should I follow my Mind or my Heart?

This poem is based on the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin… The legend of a piper who can pipe mysterious melodies that speak of wonderful things; that make you want to follow him wherever he leads…


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