Thursday, October 11, 2007

Random Thoughts - Choices

I keep wanting to tell my friends—Think about the choices you are making. Realize what they are. Understand the implications. Accept all the possible consequences. There are no second chances in life. There are but a few in relationships: and even if you get them, most relationships don’t remain the same. Small things matter. Invisible things matter. You are responsible for all your choices, intentional and unintentional. No one can rescue you from the consequences of ones you make, just because you did not do it intentionally.

Life has taught me that it is easier to say “I don’t care” than to live it. If you choose to say that and later find that you do care, a long way down the “don’t care” path, the way gets rather lonely. Life extends long beyond youth. And believe me, it’s difficult to not care later about some things that are easy to ignore in the spirit of youth. Sometimes, the inexperience and immaturity that makes you say “I don’t care” is forgiven, but often it is not. Sometimes the delicate flowers you crush in your mad rush do bloom again, but often they don't. Don’t look back and wish it had been different. The answer would only be that you should have thought of it earlier. Think ahead. And understand the delicacy, the complexity, the subtlety of human relationships and what they are based on. It takes just a harsh word, an angry look, a selfish thought to crack its foundation. If you think that they are not worth it because of their delicacy : well… all I can say is, I hope you never have to change that belief. I have had to. And I have learnt—that the most delicate of bonds are the ones that are truly worth the effort to keep and save.

It’s always a “kachcha daaga” … a delicate thread that holds people together. I keep wanting to tell my friends… Look. Think. See. Understand. You are making choices every moment. Be aware of them. They are building your future. Now.


At October 12, 2007 7:32 PM, Blogger Thushara said...

But life is full of choices.You will have to make choices.
Even if we made choice and the choice chose us to throw to the darkest of corner of our life is still all about making choices...

At October 12, 2007 7:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true i agree.

Things are to you used and people are to be loved. But what happens is people are being used and things are being loved.

At October 12, 2007 11:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One wonders why one craves for relationships..Is it because one is so empty within onself and wants to somehow cover up that emptiness? Isnt ones relationship with onself the most important? Is it possible to relate with another in the abscense of it?

At October 13, 2007 10:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Dude that was some stuff I thought a person like u will never even think of forget blogging.Would just say I concur with you on that “the most delicate of bonds are the ones that are truly worth the effort to keep and save”. In this mad rush we always forget the tenderness of relationship and by the time we realize it would have been “they don’t care” from “I don’t care”

At November 19, 2007 12:23 PM, Blogger Shaji A. said...

interesting viewpoint!

At October 30, 2008 11:47 AM, Blogger Amrita said...

Fareen dear "Choices" is something which is coming my way every single day... When ever i feel my choices are just for me i come back and read this and you know what it inspires me to take the choice which is good for all may be not a short term happiness but a long term one... that for writing something which inspires me so much... miss u-Amrita


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