Thursday, June 02, 2005

Poem--Spring, why did you pass my Garden by?

Spring, why did you pass my Garden by?

When you spread your cloak of Morning Dew,
And touched each bud with your Life-breath,
Why did you let the frost chill these buds
And blight their blossom dreams?

When you woke the sleeping seeds
And led them skyward from the ground,
Why did you forget to call to Life
These seedlings, until their time was past?

When you brought sunshine to tease the fruits
Who colored with a rosy blush,
Why did you ignore a waiting few,
Now embittered by futile hopes?

When you kissed each flower with maternal love,
And led to them, the courting bees
Why these, you passed with step-motherly haste
And let worms ravage their tenderness?

You wept an April shower of grief
When Summer scorched your flowers and trees
Why did your loving tears not touch
With comfort, this barren land, Life-Mother?

O Spring, why? Why do you let Winter reign
Unhindered in the garden of my Dreams?


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