Tuesday, May 31, 2005


You are—

The stone, shattering my illusions:
Image upon image, like mirrors
Splintering into glistening fragments…

Harsh, yet beautiful,
Piercing, yet alluring—
You are Reality…

You are—
The tempest, wrecking my tranquility
As a fallen leaf upon the ground,
Sweeping me up into its eye…

Wild, yet freeing…
Exhausting, yet exhilarating—
You are Destiny…

You are—

The fire destroying my fantasies—
Fragile, brittle delusions
Shriveling into ashes and dust…

Brilliant, yet consuming,
Engulfing, yet scorching,
You are Truth…

Must I curse you
Or bless you
For freeing me from Myself?

Must I hate you
Or love you
For rousing me to Life?


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